Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Big water slide gives Bohn pool big boost Adrian MI Dan Rodgerson

Big water slide gives Bohn pool big boost

Daily Telegram Staff Writer
ADRIAN—Long stretches of 90-degree days and high humidity are certainly a help, but community service officials say the new water slide at Bohn Pool looks to be giving the facility the boost it’s been needing.

Though revenue figures for June are not yet available, officials say it appears the pool is having a phenomenal year, perhaps the best year of this decade.
At times, lines for the city’s new water slide have reached from the top to the bottom of the structure’s winding stairs.
On two occasions this summer, people seeking refuge from the brutal heat have had to be turned away because the pool had reached its capacity.
The city’s primary goal in installing the water slide was to attract more people, specifically more teens and families, to the pool.

“It’s too early to tell for sure, but it appears that we are reaching our goal,” said Dan Rodgerson of the community services department.

Officials speculate that the slide had helped increase attendance, but want to see figures on paper before calling the slide an all out success.

“To truly determine the effect of the slide, attendance numbers need to be compared over the entire season and actually compared over the next few years,” Dan Rodgerson said. “One thing is for certain, that the patrons using the slide are having a ball.”

Daniel Rodgerson

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